Collection release

Collection release #

The System Transparency project releases collections of components that are documented and tested to work together. A collection is defined by a manifest-file listing included components and their versions. The release artifact is a tar archive containing the manifest file, the source code of each included component, a NEWS file summarizing what changed, and software versions related to tar-archive reproducibility.

If you are looking to depend on System Transparency in production environments, use of collection releases within the same major version provides the greatest stability guarantees. See semantic versioning below.

Semantic versioning #

Collection releases are semantically versioned and formatted as st-MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

  • MAJOR: Increased on large and breaking changes.
  • MINOR: Increased for additions and changes that are meant to be backwards compatible. In other words, upgrading from st-1.0.0 to st-1.1.0 is expected to work without issues. The same is not necessarily true on downgrades from st-1.1.0 to st-1.0.0.
  • PATCH: Increased for changes that are meant to be both backwards and forward compatible. In other words, it should be possible to switch back and forth between st-1.0.0 and st-1.0.1.

The current collection release series is at version 1. It is supported until at least 2025-06-01. This date may be extended on request. Additional collection release series may be added and maintained in parallel.

Distribution and documentation #

Collection releases can be downloaded as tar archives from These tar archives are signed by one of the release keys. The documentation of st-MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH is available at You may build the documentation locally from the unpacked tar archive. This requires an installation of hugo but not an internet connection.

To be notified when new collection releases are available, subscribe to the st-announce mailing list.

Release artifact #

The release artifact is a tar archive (.tar.gz). The structure of the archive’s content is shown below.

├── archiving-tools.txt
├── manifest
├── NEWS
├── docs/
├── stboot/
├── stmgr/
├── stprov/
└── ...

archiving-tools.txt lists relevant software versions which were used to create the tar archive. This format is adhoc and subject to change. It should however be sufficient to reproduce the tar archive provided the same archiving tools and manifest is used.

manifest is a file specifying the collection release version and the included components. See formatting below.

NEWS summarizes what changed since the previous collection release, aggregated for all components that are included. It should be sufficient to digest this file in order to upgrade without issues.

docs/, stboot/, stmgr/, stprov/, ... are the components listed in the manifest. These subdirectories include source code without any dependencies. This means an internet connection is required to build the software.

Note: all Go dependencies in the software are fixated by go.mod and go.sum files. In other words, one can be sure that the same dependencies are downloaded each time the above software is built.

Manifest file #

A manifest is a text file with the following syntax:

collection: <string>
component: <git-repo> <tag> <git-hash>

Empty lines, and lines starting with the # character, are ignored. The values provided on each line are white-space separated (and hence, values must not include any spaces).

The collection: line specifies the name and version of the collection, e.g., st-1.0.0.

Each component: line specifies one component that is part of the collection. The first argument is a git repository, e.g., The second argument is a tag in that repository, typically including a version number. The tag should be signed by an appropriate release key. The final argument is the git hash of the tagged commit, identifying the contents of the component. To fetch a listed component, one should

  • checkout the repository at the given tag,
  • verify the tag signature,
  • verify that the HEAD commit hash equals the one in the manifest.