Signature verification

Signature verification #

The System Transparency release keys are maintained at, and published at

To verify release signatures, an authentic copy of the file allowed-ST-release-signers is needed.

Verifying git release tags #

To verify a release git tag, e.g., vX.Y.Z, use

git -c gpg.format=ssh -c gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile=allowed-ST-release-signers tag --verify vX.Y.Z

If desired, the settings can be made more permanent using git config.

Verifying release archives and other artifacts #

To verify the signature on a release artifact, e.g, foo.tar.gz with signature foo.tar.gz.sig, use

ssh-keygen -Y verify -f allowed-ST-release-signers -I -n file -s foo.tar.gz.sig  < foo.tar.gz

Signatures on the allowed-ST-release-signers file #

The allowed-ST-release-signers file is self-signed with each listed key (except temporarily, see Updates below). E.g., the self signature by key-holder nisse can be verified using

ssh-keygen -Y verify -f allowed-ST-release-signers -I -n file -s allowed-ST-release-signers.nisse.sshsig < allowed-ST-release-signers

The file may also be signed using OpenPGP. Files allowed-ST-release-signers.*.pgpsig should be valid detached OpenPGP signatures, which can be verified with GnuPG (provided that the needed public key is available) using

gpg --verify allowed-ST-release-signers.user.pgpsig allowed-ST-release-signers

Updates #

When the allowed signers file is updated, the person updating the file is expected to sign it, and remove previous signatures that don’t apply to the updated version. That way, there’s always at least one self-signature, and there should never be any signatures that fail to verify. (The older signatures stay available in git history, together with the version of the allowed signers file they apply to). Key holders are expected to coordinate, so that they can all sign the updated file and add their new self-signatures in a timely manner.